Aruwa | Poetry Vibe
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In this world,
We have friends,rivals and enemies
Who is your friend?
Who is your rival?
Who is your enemy?
The mistake we make is to not have a clear definition of these
Your friend cannot be your rival
Your rival cannot be your friend
Your enemy cannot be your rival
Your friend cannot be your enemy
Your enemy cannot be your friend

You need all three,

You need a friend for companionship
Someone who shares the same goals
(Harvey Specter and Mike Ross)
The same weaknesses
You need them to be whole
You need them to congratulate you
You need them to ridicule you
You need them to console you
Do not compete with them
Like a pack of wolves
You have to grow with them
Not against them
Because they complete you
The whole is bigger than the parts
The stronger the parts,
The stronger the whole
Grow with them.

You need a rival for competition and growth
Dont be afraid to compete with your rival
He needs you to compete with him
Ronaldo to Messi
Messi to Ronaldo
He needs you to bring your best to the table
By beating him,
Your useful to him
By him competing with you,
He is useful to you
Otherwise he doesnt need you,
and you dont need him
Dont let him win
Play to win
Be the aggressor
He will appreciate it
A part of you needs him
A part of you wants to win
To control
Your rival gives you that chance
Use it

You need an enemy for identity
They say what maketh a man is what he loves
I say what maketh a man is what he hates
Because you cannot define what you love
But you can define what you hate
I hate men who talk too much
So you will be one who talks little
And you will look for a suitor who talks less
So protect your enemy
Love your enemy
Because he makes you who you are
The same way Gotham makes Batman,
He gives you purpose
Without him,
You cease to exist.

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