2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 124
Points. Pulse. Signals. Astride the beast that defies the odds because perfection is not unique any longer to the gods who once ruled and decided who could connect if only for their entertainment or profit. Sometimes it stirs and reminds us that the past can creep into our lives and destroy us. Hot bloodied humans can defeat the barriers of time and place and resolve the passions out of place. Touched with fingers sinewy and long soon becomes a knotted hand racked with pain that cannot transmit that which fires the signals that ignite that pulse of desire. Err long it takes is what it takes as use of memory remakes a moment that flamed out of control scorched soul left to addiction of that hand. Man.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Deep allegorical sensitivity. Thanks for the share, 2Late4luv. ONE. Peace and Love.

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