2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 125
Lord, there is nothing I have done to prove that I have done all that was required of me as deserving a man's bearing the cross to Calvary. All my little sacrifices, all my nickels and dimes, all my prayers for someone else have been dispersed in my own time. Fear carried me to my knees to confess that I believed but it has been 53 years since and now I cannot conceive of anyone who would confirm that I have lived a life that it was destined to be. I see that it has been too easy to slip into a mindless pit into a fire, unlit. Unchosen by luck or talents latent, as I try once more to overcome I am dismally disconnected from the reality, unceasingly breaking me. Darkness does not overtake the light completely the walk of Christ denied for now will surely never always forsake.

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mlowe5 says:

"...Darkness does not overtake the light completely the walk of Christ denied from now will surely never always forsake." At 80 , 2late4luv, all I can say is, Right On! Write On! ONE. Peace and Love

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