2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 209
Large families nurture live and sharing, but truth be told there is more domineering. As older siblings assume the right to tell the youngest what to do. Their experience dictates that they have been there and know the way. How to stay out of trouble, how to gain favor with adults, how to abolook alluring and what love is all about. Everywhere we go there is someone else who knows that days are long and nights are made to rest. Digested facts and noble acts from those who carry the contradictions of the world upon their breaststroke. Congregate sensations which cloud our judgment can cause those who share our interests to pretend to know what is better.: Believing I have the right to decide which kind of life I want. But my naiveté was exposed by my older sibling. And alone could nullify any and all my visions.

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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mlowe5 says:

While others may share advice on the traveled road, we can only know where they are coming from until we ourselves have traveled the road. In the end, we must determine the destination's route; and be aware of this when we too start sharing. A thought-provoking write, 2Late4luv. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love.

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