2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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first love

Views: 140
Because I was unfamiliar with the way of courting. I fumbled and I dropped the ball so often I was most often lost. I trembled with fear of making matters worse and often I was cold nut sooner than later I had everything under control. Fidelity was not mine and I did not exercise it for a.long time, because the weakness of my heart I imparted without thought though nothing ever came of them I always left my heart. A heart that believed I would one day be more important in love than anything I had known. But still too naive the work to do it takes a toll. The payment would have been easy had I not been so bold as to share myself with others that detracted from my quest. To do what society dictates and find my lot in life to adjust to becoming a wife. Surely, that chance would come and when ready to advance I could follow the path to completion of a perfect life.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, "the toll" from nothingness to something, is really "SOMETHING ELSE!" I hear you, 2Late4luv. Travel well. ONE. Peace and Love.

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