Jkool86 | Poetry Vibe
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Sometimes you gotta to learn to swim with no lifeguard

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So many letters



Views: 131


How many letters you wrote but didn’t send.

So many letters, creating words and verbs that you kept within. 

It’s private, personal, it’s the insane pain that wouldn’t allow you to put it thru your window pane.

Don’t be lost follow me.

We visualize our pain in a daydream,in a trance that sabotages our advance.

We didn’t give ourselves a chance 

Maybe it was a love romance 

Maybe it was your darkest confession or life suggestion.

Think about how free you were when you wrote the letter

So got damn, got damn, ooooh I feel better.

Yea I know but they dont.

Only because you chose to Pretend instead of hittin send.

Although I think we all fall victim to this. Having a message in the box but never hit send

We’re haunted by our own honesty and confessions 

We never reveal until things spill and get real.

What will the receiver say?

Is it the right day?

Speak up

Be brave 

Put your letter in the mail 

Even with a Attempt you won’t Fail



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