Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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When The Spirit Comes...



Views: 194

she called
just when my back hand of felowship
was about to go old testament 
Ten Commandments in technicolor
on the back of this dude's bald dome
office politics
don't particularly care which side of the aisle he was on
I was steaming
like grandma's Sunday afternoon cabbage
and her delicious wild rice with homemade brown gravy
my cup
runneth not over in love
but stopped in my tracks looking for
the jawbone of an ass
that was him
mouth open with lies
and I sat there
about to pounce
with my non-biblical back hand of fellowship on tap

but she called
and in the moment of 
lemme do this first and call her back from the uemployment line
the holy ghost fell upon me
and told me

answer the damn phone right now
not in them exact words mind you
but you get the point
as I retracted from my almost perfect 90 degree angle
not the blaxplotation slap
but the blasphemous backhand of fellowship
I was about to lay hands 
both of them
until every demon left his body
like they was about to run out of mega millions tickets at the liqour store
just one slap to the back of the noggin
and I surely woulda felt like a million bucks

right in the middle of all this
she called 
her voice
sweet like a pack of cherry now-n-laters
is a human cavity affecting the dentures of my heart
always been that way
and something told me not to scream out
her spirit met me before I touched the green
answer button on my phone
met me
with a soft and loving backhand of fellowship to the back of my noggin
her voice
barely audible 
yet clear

most innocent of all this

on time

hello, paw paw 

hello, lil angel
paw paw loves you...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Oh yeah! It'd like, "...Hello...what?....Ok." "Hey, mountain! get the hell outta here! I'll see you in the sea!' A profound share, Newpanther . ONE. Peace and Love.

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