2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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The Dark Side of Being Positive



Views: 83
Every moment of everyday. Watching as most people have things their way. Stepping aside as might makes right. Dealing with rejection as haters take the limelight. Cringing with shame and embarrassment as we pretend we don't know what is meant as innocuous slights and obvious references to our plight makes for somber and tortuous days with sleepless nights. Doing what is right takes strength and resolve to follow the teachings of good advice. Reaching levels mist don't think we could or should because the move to another neighborhood means moving up and soon it is hoped to be moving out! Being becomes a positive thinking nightmare as we face the backlash that our clothes are wrong our hair isn't long our br e acts are too small our is isn't high enough...we act as if we don't endure too much. The smiles soon fade but our presence rebounds as we assume the legacy of our forefathers cause...nothing is too hard for God!

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mlowe5 says:

No, "...nothing is too hard for God!" Remember, you are a child of God! ONE. Peace and Love.

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