2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 11300
contest winner 1

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  4 star general
Total poems   120
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Views: 122
When is the answer to the question ever understood. When is the complaint ever a question. When is the lie ever the truth. When am I ever going to complete you? All the problems in the world began when we were boys and girls. Learning is always the process that firms the blank slate into a work of art. The job mill is always that test of wills, to determine what we have become. Our end by product is a compilation of all the input we have stored to change and contribute to a world little understood after hours, days, months, and years that are still not enough to prevent the tears from falling When hurts and disappointments destroy the house we are building!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed. Yet we must continue to repair and create for those who are to come after us; just as did those who came before us and did not get to see, feel and enjoy what little progress has been made. "Only the worker dies; the work goes on." Strive on, 2Late4Luv ONE. Peace and Love. Peace and Love

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