j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Among an unnamed female person known within mine black barbed ken


first love

Views: 107

Analogous to black box
holding untold secrets,
(after deadly plane crash
no survivors except

a journeyman foreigner),

I share the following self
introspection with ye dear readers,

which purported hidden truths
might set me free and clear,

albeit laborious effort

to loose constituent amalgamated
compound elements unmined
tantamount to agony

riddling psyche effort to extract
thorny matters incumbent upon me

analogously synonymous with

Androcles and the lion
think Roman mythology
whoops (Greek: ?νδροκλ?ς,

alternatively spelled Androclus in Latin).

Oftimes methinks... whoami

spending scores of years
with frustrated sigh
hermetically sealing - waxed body electric
housing generic garden variety guy

as prepubescent severely, physically,

mentally emotionally tormented

contemplating, foregoing existence,
integrating, blithely urging wish to die

even at this moment,

still doth not reluctantly shy

away to embrace death wholeheartedly
simultaneously, naturally nor would I try

putting anonymous life (mine)
on the line, though...,

nevertheless envisioning rejoicing

(as told to significant other -

the missus naturally averse

to my demise well nigh)
without ability to explain why

per se if mortal ailment

truncated corporeal constituent

collective comprising mein kampf
Noel cowardly lie,

cuz becoming gratefully dead try

not to laugh while
yours truly cannot deny
permanent absence mine decoupling
from humanity, no longer linkedin

with consciousness, I recognize

hard skool of knocks alumni
soul finally free to roam spiritual realm

posthumously making his name sake
(synonymous with introvertedness)

deceased modest mortal hallowed human,

though the foregone feted occasion

beholds mine future
no longer entwined with the missus,
whence cessation as breathing being
decades into the future

whereby mine cremated ashes

subsequently scattered across

reconstituted secluded terrain

once expanse of one hundred acre woodland

populated with poo poo ticky tacky,

about a half century ago

partitioned into cookie cutter

vinyl city occupying happy hunting grounds
witnessing abundant flora and fauna,

where Glen Elm estate

(an expansive demesne

formerly occupied by the Leipers) razed;

within corner abode
(at crossroads of Stoughton and Level Roads)

wherein dwelled Williams family
(offspring grown and senior citizens,

the eldest daughter
happily residing in Carhibeg,

Rosscarberry county Cork Ireland)
to me, a garden variety generic guy
forsaken atrophied opportunity

loosed, whisked, and zapped...
toward sheltering sky
linkedin love never did transpire,

hence moot point absent wedding bells

did not require men to don black tie,

only selfish sexagenarian

mourns angst peppered soul,

whence death do me part

banshee will signify

all quiet on western front forever reunify

me with cosmic consciousness eternal ally.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

So be the difference between the lion and the lioness in the wilderness of true life chosen to endure on a seemingly forever unquiet western front. It has been said that in seeking "it", one must be aware that in most cases, "Gratitude is the sign of a noble soul." An interesting share indeed. Peace and Love.

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