j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Incorrigible Lottery Dreamer



Views: 137

Paradise visage and eyes a bulge with dollar signs

whets imagination with PowerBall ticket bought

expect the usual outcome

after next drawing to yield monetary naught

temptation for instant millions

human foible to reach for elusive pot of gold

streak of universal desire

for potential wealth overtakes rational self

with delusions of grandeur caught

allow, enable and provide flirtation

with fate to experience rich draught

envision emancipation from penury

a distant battle fought

and tacked hard scrapple existence wrought.

at the core

legal tender in such precious chronically

in short supply within this family of four

though times eye desire

at least another son or daughter more

at such urge (long silenced of this ram

by ewe to who) did vehemently roar

boot budding young girls

I whole-heartedly love and adore

who rush into my arms

whenever back from trivial pursuits

nearly squeezing out digested gore

when casually and nonchalantly

turn the key to open the front door

akin to the finest crafted

clock work orange to sound the time of day

they still dance and frolic like kittens or puppies

bring newspaper and slippers

sharing silly concocted faux pa lore

inviting me to play make believe games on the floor

enjoying revelry without keeping score

yet…creating memories I will forever store.

Financial straits make our existence hand to mouth

all grandiose aspirations

to succeed in life frequently head south.

Creative endeavors find excitement and linguistic pleasure

thru the attempt to pry poem or prose from mind

deliberate semblance to communicate

and extract idea from cranial rind

words that synchronize suitably

in poetic third eye bind

readers may espy hidden puns

within this rhyme lined

with challenges or commiserate

and complement via words of positive kind

although large sum of money would be a dog send

delivered by one blessed angel in disguise

redemption and salvation considered thankful find.

Much rather be cursed with excess wealth

Deliverance to life, liberty and mental health

Depravity foreign concept never to rue by stealth.



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