King Suspire | Poetry Vibe
King Suspire
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 18200
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Curtain Calls


just different

Views: 160

   I wear a crown, because my skin is brown,

and I survived my town.

   A place where most who resemble, are no longer around.

Hunted down, and put in the ground.

   Irrelevant to circumstance, life is a hound.

Sniffing for blood, from rooftops, down to playgrounds.

   Around my way, we all prey.

Survival of the fit, you better stay in shape.

   The predators, all have a different face.

A variable, littered throughout the landscape.

   From the street pharmacists, law enforcement,

or the mentally incompetent.

   To sign throwers, strap holders, stoned faced elementary 

fresh out the stroller.

   Indiscriminate clock ticking, who's next for the card punching?

Look over your shoulder, clutch your purses.

   Innocence, and loud mouths being seen by doctors and nurses.

Some arrive by ambulance, most leave in hearses.

   Pastors and churches, cries and curses.

Don't get caught up, cause it doesn't matter if you

deserved it.

   For you can do everything perfect, and still end

up a statistic.

   From the poorest up to the richest.

Ditches, aren't only reserved for snitches.

   No need to pay admission, we all have tickets.

To the greatest show on earth, that comes with 

surprise endings.

   For no man shall know the day.

But when its over, it's curtains!


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, indeed, King! It's curtain call time. Better to be aware than sorry. As the Ancestors have said, "To not know...[i.e. to not be aware..] bad; to not wish to know is worst. Another great share. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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