when you asked me to lunch that day I told you I already ate truth is I didn't want to see your face I was trying to erase the experience we shared a feeling difficult to bear I
I couldn't I wouldn't
dare walk back through
that door again you said you wanted to talk to me
I wasn't feeling up to
listening I already heard
enough from you when
I'm done I'm done I wish
I could have said all
this to you on the phone
instead of making up
an excuse and writing
it in a poem "you made
me feel alone" I threw
myself into my work to
hide my emotions
I got a promotion I
became a workaholic
to keep from returning
to a empty house to
sleep in a lonely bed
I couldn't rest my head
I blame myself for
loving you I blame you
for leaving me I blame
myself for missing the
sign when I play back
the time you hid your
intentions I closed my
eyes walked into it blind
trusting in your word
all the time you were
lying to my face every
one knew but me that I'll
be sitting at the kitchen
table crying in a plate
of cold food wasting
away feeling like if you
came back into my life
everything would be
alright it was a oversight
couldn't see the truth
until I let go of you