j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Sinister voices heard...


just different

Views: 138

and ethereal disembodied spirits seen

from the other side of the woods

said phantasmagorical sound and sight

particularly experienced every Halloween.


Though dog tired

ready for the nocturnal sandman,
but before succumbing to countless winks

namely, quintessentially, telepathically

fictitious mythical character yours truly wired.


No matter five plus weeks
before onset of All Hallows' Eve,

or All Saints' Eve, celebration

(observed in many countries

on thirty first October).


The following adverse scenario unfolded

conjuring galling kickstarting
crepuscular dark shadows, albeit amorphous
fleecy, gauzy, hallucinatory... phenomenon,

whereby I witnessed

eerie superior imps jumpstarting piercing

along the edge of night

slithering out the twilight zone

framed within night gallery.


Banshees howled thru dense thickets danse macabre

quiet riot grimacing growling grumbling gremlins

existence ephemeral


Velkommen... awoke; sleeper now awake
Scare for treat?

All hallows eve festooned, spooked sight,
tricked out ghostly haunted house fright

especially 'pon dark and stormy night
courtesy creation gnarled skeletal hands
iron grip strength steely bewitched might

fashioned superior eerie abode I write

vampire fangs drip blood, hooked warty
nose, plus bulging popeyes will delight

ghoulish welcome invitation only will incite

blood curdling screams within hermetically
sealed soundproof ghostly abode airtight

dark shadows creep come edging fore sight

to trick come stroke of midnight

monstrous phantasmagoric shape shifting

demonic denizen tarantula spiders hungry to bite

though pitchblack insatiable appetite
thundering mandibles cacophony invite

hobgoblins, who render imaginary, nee virtual

towering infernos licking forked flames

casting webbed, whirled wide silhouette
faux netting floor to ceiling height,

whereby unexpected lull dead silence
unbearable anticipation hints most
fearsome, loathsome, unwelcome... outright

villainous, venomous, vociferous...

ferocious creature politically demonic,
bigoted, anti semitic greenlighting white

supremacist hatred, when deathly quiet

suddenly punctuated with "send him back,"

plus emanations chanting "he got no birthright"

before his err rash shun null itch for gunfight,

and exploitation of natural resources
elicits, kickstarts, snapchats, and twitters
total mortal kombat broadcast by satellite.

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