Colette | Poetry Vibe
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My Place



Views: 126

The year of 2022 and we still experience fear. 
Why do you fear us in “Your” neighborhood, especially Black males? You fear Black males, yet Black males may be working for your company. They are playing for your favorite football team or basketball team and many other sports. You, yes you, are at home or in the stadium cheering and rooting for those Black men on game day, so there are obviously times when color doesn’t matter.

We all live somewhere in one of these divisive states.
It is so sad that some people have the audacity to feel a certain type of anger, hatred, bitterness and resentment when a Black person walk, run, or drive down a street that is not owned by the complainer.

The Black man is approached, questioned, cursed at, yelled at, threaten, attacked and or even killed all because of the fear of the Black man. If the Black man is lucky, he will live to tell the story.

When the Black man is approached, he is told, “Get out My neighborhood. Why are you driving down My street? You don’t belong on My block, Get from around My place.” I have yet to see a street named “My Place” Boulevard.

Be mindful of your negative energy, because one day you may need a heart transplant and the heart surgeon performing your surgery just may happen to be Black.

God is Love. We are His children. God loves us all and God created us in His image. If He wanted the world to be all one color, then it would have been.

When your baby was born, even when you were born, you did not know black from white, rich from poor, good from bad, up from down, in from out, right from wrong… Everything we knew as a child, we were taught. Black and white racism has been taught, learned and instilled from generation to generation. It has gotten old. It’s wayyyy overdue to break that generational curse for good. Why harbor bitterness towards someone because of the color of their skin? Even Republicans vs Democrats, it’s all just to create divisiveness.

It is time for change. You can be the difference.
Ask yourself, are you willing to make that change? 
One person at a time can make one change at a time. We all have room to grow to make this world a better place to live. Let us all learn to respect and love one another.

Just keep in mind, God will have the final say so. And when it’s all said and done, how would you feel if you were trying to get into Heaven and God told you, get out My neighborhood, get off My street, you don’t belong on My block, you’re not welcome in “My Place.”

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Amen! An excellent thought-provoking awareness pen. Profound! Thanks for the share, Collete. ONE. Peace and Love.

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