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Facebook is where you post stuff and also get to see all the fun, good times, mess, gossip and drama posted. Yes, they have a lot of stuff posted that you can have a conversation about.

Well guess what? I got a book you can put your face in. How about facing this book - The Bible. Yeah, let’s see what’s in “Face Book” (the Bible) instead of what’s on Facebook.

You wanna talk about who killed who, who pregnant and who’s cheating and all that other mess. You wanna post something, go face your Bible. Go run and see what they posted in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and while you’re at it, see what’s posted in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John…
They got plenty, plenty, plenty mess, gossip, murders, lies, healings, cheating, miracles, blessings and more. 

Yes, the Bible got plenty stuff posted as well that makes great conversational pieces.

From the beginning, people have been lying, cheating, killing, throwing people under the bus, pointing the finger, using the blame game and more.

Let’s take a look. Here’s an idea of how Black conversations would be going on in the 2022 version of stuff posted from the Bible on Facebook.

From the beginning, Adam pointed the finger and blamed God when they got caught eating from the tree. (Don’t believe me, go see for yourself.)

Genesis 3 vs. 10-19 (Disobedience, Embarrassment, Consequences)

Girl you heard what happened to Adam and ‘em? No, what happened?
Girl, God caught them outside naked and they got caught eating from the tree. What tree, the Tree of Knowledge? Yep. They wrong fa that, cause they know they ain’t supposed to be eating from that tree.
And picture this, when they got caught, Adam wanna try and flip the script and try to blame God.

So this what happened, God said to Adam, “Who told you that you were naked?” Have you eaten from the tree which I told you not to eat from? Adam told God, The woman who You gave to be with me, she gave me that fruit from that tree and I ate it. (In other words, he specifically made sure he reminded God by saying, The woman who You gave to be with me. You, yes You, it’s all Your fault. You gave her to me. If you wouldn’t have gave her to me, we wouldn’t even be in all this mess.)

Adam’s blaming God, then he turns around and says it’s the woman fault, the woman says it’s the serpent’s fault. Yes, everybody’s blaming everybody else and no one is taking accountability for their own actions. And just like today, people still don’t take accountability for their actions.

Genesis 4 vs. 8-9 (Lies, murder, and Jealousy)

I know you heard ‘bout that killing out there on the field huh? Nah, who got killed? Abel. Man, picture why his own brother killed him. Cain down bad fa that. He was always jealous caused God favored Abel. He ain’t had to kill that boy though. 

Then he had the nerve to get smart and wanna lie when God asked him where Abel was. He gon say, “I don’t know.” He knew, and then he gon say, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (In other words, ion’t know where he at, do I look like his babysitter?) 
Cain get on my nerves, he know damn well what he did, that’s all he do is lie, but his day gon come. He gon get just what he deserve.

Read Genesis Chapter 16 to Chapter 21 vs. 1-3

(Baby momma and a miracle in God’s timing)
Girl, you know Sarah got pregnant and had a baby? Fa real? Girl who she had a baby for? For her husband Abraham. They still married? Girl they been married a long time. But wait, didn’t he have a son name Ishmael by that other woman Hagar. Yeah, Hagar was her maid, she used to work for them, but Sarah was the one who gave her husband the ok to go head and wife her. She told him to go sleep with her so she can get pregnant. And then when Hagar had the baby, Sarah got a whole attitude and start treating that girl bad. It was so bad that Hagar couldn’t take it no more, so she left.

But yeah anyway, Sarah and her husband been trying to have their own baby. She ‘bout 90 something years old. God told her she was going to have a baby and she ain’t believe Him, she start laughing. She really thought she was too old to get pregnant, but she finally did after all this time. They got a lil boy name Isaac. I’m so happy for ‘em, but she still was wrong for how she treated Hagar.

Genesis 29 vs. 10-35 and Genesis 30 vs. 1-24 (Love, Lies and Family)

And know what else? Girl tell me why Jacob married his first cousins, his uncle Laban’s 2 daughters. I know you ain’t talking about Leah and Rachel? Yep. Girl when they got married? They been got married, but look how it happened though. The uncle told Jacob since he was family he didn’t want him working for free. So he asked Jacob what did he want and since Jacob loved Rachel, he said he’ll work 7 years for Rachel, the younger daughter and the uncle told him alright, that’s cool. It’s better to give her to you than to another man. 

But then here’s the trip part, after he worked the 7 years, the uncle tricked him and lied to him and gave him Leah as his wife. Talking ‘bout in their country you have to give the firstborn before the youngest. Nah he wrong for that, cause he could have told Jacob that in the beginning. Jacob was sooo mad, girl he was burnt up. 
But he ended up working another 7 years just so he could marry Rachel and finally after all that, Rachel became his wife too. But that didn’t do nothing but cause a big ole rivalry between the sisters because Leah knew how much Jacob loved Rachel. 

It was so bad between them cause Rachel couldn’t have no children, so Leah kept getting pregnant back to back to back. She had about 6 sons for him, thinking that giving him sons was gon make Jacob love her more and become attached to her, but it didn’t. 

And poor Rachel, she wanted a baby so bad, she was even getting mad and blaming Jacob for not being able to get her pregnant. And he was like, what you getting a attitude with me fa, it ain’t my fault God ain’t open up your womb.

Finally girl, finally, after all them years, Rachel finally got pregnant and had a lil boy named Joseph. 
Whew chile… that family drama and that whole situation was just a big hot mess, smh.

Matthew 14 vs. 22-28 (Belief, Miracle, Fear)

So Jesus homies (the disciples) went out on a boat ride and when they were wayyy out in the middle of the sea, the weather got bad, real bad. 

Then Jesus started walking on the water towards them. They got so scared, they thought they saw a ghost. Then Jesus told Peter to come, you know like, come towards Him. So Peter got out the boat and started walking on the water towards Jesus. All of a sudden, he took his eyes off Jesus and saw how bad the winds were and he was afraid. He got scared and started to sink, but Jesus saved him. 
That’s just why them old folks be saying, keep your eyes on Jesus. 

Yeah girl, everybody was tripped out, because they ain’t never seen nobody literally walking on water before.

John 9 vs. 1-11 (Healing, Miracle)

Girl why Willie can see now. Who, blind man Willie who used to sit on N. Lamar and beg all the time? Yeah, that’s him. Girl I saw that posted. They didn’t say his name, but I knew who they were talking about.
Jesus spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva and he anointed his eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam, and when he did, he came back seeing. 

Yes, he received his sight and that was so awesome cause he had been blind since birth. The neighbors and other people who knew him was in shock, talking ‘bout, how can you see now? Who opened yo eyes? He said, “A man named Jesus.” I say, “Amen to that. Jesus is the way, won’t He do it?”

Oh you do? You wanna learn how ta pray? Go learn the Lord’s prayer, it’s posted, right there in Luke 11 vs. 1-4

These are just a few things posted in the Bible, but as you can see, there’s nothing new under the sun. The stuff that’s going on in the world today, murder, crimes, sex, healing, favor, cheating, lying, wars, drinking, partying… all been going on. So yes, there’s plenty to post, learn and have a conversation about from the Bible version of Facebook.

Open your Bible, put your face in The Book.
Get in The Word, learn The Word, share The Word.

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