Money don't make you Good it just makes you look Good.
What I just explained to ya should never be misunderstood to you.
Lest you always be misunderstood Always trying to validate yourself for others instead of just being good.
Good works don't need any validations or confirmations for being the REALEST.
It has been here since the beginning.
It is the universe's core foundation.
All was created for the Good.
Evil has abandoned Good after once being joined by the hip Just to TRY to produce just a little more then Good.
Evil said that Good was too quiet.
Evil said that Good was too laid back.
Evil said that Good didn't boast enough about it's power and beauty and take the credit that it deserved and not let anyone claim it as their own because that's FAKE.
Good replied and said that I don't need any credit for that, all that I have ever done was for the GOOD of others.
Close your eyes take all of them out of the equation, It's just me and you in the UNIVERSE, you would Cutthroat me just as you did them.
I could have told you that while your were worrying about them. I know you better than you know yourself, I just always knew that you could never defeat me but I never called you weak or even considered you to be weak.
I understand the forces of nature and forces of inspiration. You don't!?
Look at all of these people that's striving to get right and become good, they know where the source of Good comes from.
Now look at those that are Intoxicated and infatuated with money, I see murder, I see rape, I see harmful drugs, lawlessness, immorality, I see YOU EVIL everywhere you're the REASON that they don't give credit.
When you deemed me to be weak you boasted and took credit for all that Good has created and influenced, which means that you LIED.
People drinking daily poisons in the bottle just get them to reminisce and smile, tomorrow they'll be miserable and unfulfilled chasing MoNeY like a circus MoNkeY just to do it all over again in a few days.
Smiling is the blessing.
Smiling is the first recorded human expression.
Both the followers of Good and Evil smile.
As a matter of fact the followers of EVIL spend their lives trying to keep a consistent smile all the while knowing that they didn't put in any work to INSPIRE others and CULTIVATE them, they only tried to MANIPULATE them To create a better world for the dealings of EVIL and EVIL thinking.
Do not snakes show their tongue before striking?
Some snakes are venomous.
Some snakes are harmless.
Evil people kill harmless snakes.
Good people walk away from venomous snakes because it knows that Evil is the one that marvels over anyone or anything that can cause pain!
Qadar Dwon'