Mr. Brooks sit in a interrogation
room he cries out "this is
where my life ends"
Mr. Brooks
goes to trial and decides
to defend himself
Mr. Brooks looks like
Boo Boo the Fool in
the courtroom hoping
he can object his way out
of the inevitable as if by some kind of miracle
the door would swing
open and he could go
free or change the verdict
where's his parents
there must be childhood trauma
it has to be a reason
for all the drama
he's fighting for his
life for not thinking
before acting we can't
feel sorry for the man
who drove a vehicle
through a parade of
people and left six of em
dead but it's something
sorrowful about a man
who realizes his life
has ended and he's
still alive we all have
choices in life we all
have the ability to
think before we act
unresolved issues
and uncontrollable
inner rage puts us
all at risk of a life
or death sentence
obviously he's guilty
and will be dealt with
according to the law
he's a aspiring rapper
he wanted the fame
well Mr. Brooks
every body knows
your name