there's a idiom that says misery loves company
it means people who are unhappy like to share their troubles with others that may be true but in my experience there are miserable people who want you to be lonely too
they lie on you and other people believe the lie they tell on you the more they believe the stronger the glue on the back of the label that sticks to you no matter what you do no one will believe your truth who ever lied on you didn't ruin your life they murdered you
that happen to me and
it took God all the
angels and every thing
in my power not to kill them too the label won't come
off it's like a tattoo a mark
for life the cause a malicious
lie meant to assassinate
my character it's like fighting the air then a strong wind comes along and knocks you off your feet
and gravity holds you
down it's a universal
esoteric law that says
you reap what you sow
and I hope those who
killed me don't get away with murder