2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Flash Cards



Views: 216

Never learnt to  play  cards, since ‘21

Taking  a  hit  even though already @seventeen

Busted  and  tossed  from  thus gaming frame

Aboard life’s shuffle on cruise ships suite

Towards and ever expanding ah-Bridge’d crossing

My movements were to slide by rules of Uno

Even Solitaire became foreign amongst a family ‘affairs

Wavy was always deep waters to swim through trunks

Never knew what dog paddling could do upon throwing hands

Til  I  reached  the  other  side breathing, still alive, to Go Fish

Sighs of relief as I begin again to try and backstroke across reneges

Life savers both float and  sink, as I drink from both sides of Gin Rummy

All  the  fuss  and  fight  to  make  one  book,  still failing  to  make  bank

With all  this  junk  in  my  Tunk,  I  just  got  to  pass  onto  newer threads

These spreads were terrific atmosphere for  poker,  so  I raised stakes

Only  to  find  we  aren’t  evenly  yoked,  she  held  five  cards to my three by Monty

Now  I  just  spectate  until  my  turn at Cribbage, returns  clockwise in a high hand

Signaling 2b  born  again,  at  least 2b  dealt  another  hand of  Blackjack, again!

Happy 2b alive…..deal me in!




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Welcome, 2b2b2 these days in our lives: 7 low, no; or u ready2 go? What u bid? Nice "Coon Cane" write. Enjoyed it. Thanks, 2b2b2. Peace and Love.

poems by this commentor


mrmelody7 says:

Keep dealin Brother 2bSure deal on Rhapsody in them words you spewing

LP45 says:

Excellent write 2B, you've definitely got the winning hand. Thanks for sharing this.

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