In the weathering seasons of time
We‘ve survived many storming events
Of injustices and atrocities of living life:-
Many lessons have been allegorically taught
In the seasonal canvassing of nature’s womb
Leaving us perpendicular like the surviving trees.
Trees, the silent stoic spreaders of the living word—
Whose flesh in us, we have yet to feel the itching
Keloids—reminding us of how far we have yet come
Through the valley of the shadows of death and the
The exodus from the seasonal evils of oppression
That sought to uproot us from our liberating sojourn:-
Yes, there are the falling times of autumn and the
Hailing-snow times of the crystal freezing of the winter;
Yet, there has always followed the spring and summer
Of resurrection and ascension times of melting love:
Recovering the warmth of its eternal healing grace—
Evaporating all fear of whatever may be coming.
Let us ever be mindful that each season has its joy
As well as its trials, tribulations, and testing times of faith;
Yet, let us not be distressed, the Lord hears all our cries.
Thus, let us in every season, lift up our eyes unto the hill
From whence comes the healing help that will not
Suffer our feet to be moved from the liberating sojourn.
In all seasons in the time of life, know that He is with us:
He “...neither slumber nor sleep…” preserving us always;
He is the shade upon our right and left, and the sun and
The moon knows the light that they give and reflect always
Shall preserve [our] going out and [our] coming in form
This time forth…[and indeed]...for forevermore…
Thus, let us in whatever may be the season in our lives, always
Give thanks “…for his mercy endureth forever…” and ever is;
Give thanks “ him that made great lights—mercy…forever:”
Give thanks “to him...that made the sun…the moon and stars
To rule by day and night...his mercy endureth…forever...”
We’re indeed redeemed, for his mercy endureth forevermore:-