one of the first miracles recorded is turning water into a solution in order to solve a situation from becoming a problem there's so much hurt moaning crying mourning pain agony hopelessness helplessness loneliness homelessness if we could just take all of this and miraculously turn it into a solution it has to be a solution it's got to be a solution it must be a solution how do we find a a solution to a problem a explanation specifically a set of values of the variables how do we solve the problem we are facing are politicians seeking out solutions or are they applying the same salve to the same wound while people continue to die from their peril dispare if by chance we could turn water to wine it would only turn us into alcoholics a problem none of us need it's something about turning something into something else miraculously turning it around but not as easy as flipping over a seat cushion one must dig in deep to find a solution to their own individual personal problems how could it not be some kind of solution to rise above it all "it's got to be a solution" to solve it