2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Empire Strikes @


just different

Views: 217

Minutes before the stroke of  any given  midnight

Armageddon is threatening to  end  all the time,

For the least of those, watching crimes over times,

After  times,  has  been  suppressed, for playmaking niceties

All Mighty promises’ to  come  save us, suspending poverty

Committed for not admitting to  crazy being reality, not really  verily

Exploitation should be seen  but  never  spoken  of publicly, in fun n’games

Check  the  time,  as  you  are  either  clocking in,  or clocking out perpetually

Time  is  not  guaranteed,  so  don’t  go  disrupting  daylight  savings

Brought  to  you  by  amalgamating  distractions,  paid for by your own taxing

Sweating  notions  and  commotions,  soothsayers  pushing  invisible  hands

Highlighting  antiquity  as  being  nothing  more  than contrived  fantasy

Only  nightmares  of  ghoulish vulgarities  committed  against  one kind over others

Don’t  try to  speak  truth  to  light,  while  on  the  clock  and  watch  of “the  man”

Authorities  and  Algorithm  are  the  only  free  and  clear  totalities  that matter

Canceling  cultures  in  pandemic Petrie  dishes,  promising  eradication  of all ills

Shills  no  longer  lurking  in  the  cozy  comfort  of  crawling  freely  in the heat of night

On  the  attack,  is  the  prequel  to  the  sequel  of  the  latest  marvel  dispatch

Stop,  drop  and  roll  back  the  hands  of  time,  to  find the Empire is  ‘bout and bound to strike again!

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mrmelody7 says:

Tight some serious stroking of the pen that vision stated and fully visible
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Such is the nature of demonic power-mongering of satanic humanity! Is not time is, and of God? can man "slap back" God? Great pen, 2b2b2. Thanks. ONE. Peace and Love.

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