j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Worry knot chokes out the living daylights



Views: 160

I know from personal experience

the foolhardiness of

courting, flirting, honeymooning...

worse case scenario,
particularly when just a wee lad,

yours truly internalized

unfamiliar bodily aches and pains

as a death sentence,

slept with one eye opened
against nightmarish fiends birthed

courtesy overactive imagination

and subsequently did buzzfeed
crowded house of mind
ranking as capital one pet peeve

that festered and kickstarted

linkedin deplorable mental outlook,

which anguish expended

emotional exhaustion all for naught
and only later in life
more lackadaisical toward mortality.

All things considered

regarding working myself into a lather

chomping at the bit of uncertainty
(while simultaneously nibbling
on freshly baked powder milk biscuits)

prompts me to assuage agitation

brewing inside the bowels of your being

while awaiting results from ct scan.

Take sage advice courtesy your brother,
who thyme after thyme

felt his lovely bones wracked,
whereby said secular humanist

named Matthew Scott Harris

able, eager, ready and willing

to draft his last will and testament
bequeathing my anxiety riddled

body, mind and spirit to science.

Impossible mission
to modify your behavior,
and even major ordeal

to modify destructive thought processes
that kamikaze nose dive within me noggin,

yet ascribe, credit, and praise

prescription medication to ameliorate

and remedy debilitating panic attacks,

whereby I was wont to languish

with physiological symptoms
such as: adrenaline rush,

irritable bowel symptom,

nausea, racing heart,
sweaty palms, and vertigo.

Thus, quite thee Herculean task

(shrugged off by Atlas)
to change long
entrenched thinking patterns
even ones qualifying
as affecting traumatizing detriment
of holistic schema,

as iterated with

aforementioned poetic versatility,

and a strong accompanying suggestion

with absolute zero coins

painfully extracted out piggy bank

to direct attention on the here and now

since more likely than not
any dreadfully projected fear
(the most frightful being
strong aversion to die)

couched as mine prediction

of fat and/or slim likelihood

to occur, and the best measure
offered free of charge
to stave off being

linkedin née cruelly enslaved
to quiet riot of torturously wicked

wrenching, leveling and jack-hammering

sixty plus shades of gray matter;

as a side note above benign crisis
common denominator among
Norwegian bachelor farmers,

who dwell in Lake Woebegone
best surrender to
webbed, whirled and wide

cosmic consciousness
and experience manumission.

Sincerely yours,
erstwhile, juvenile, and servile
Alfred E. Neuman


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