beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Views: 222

i write about Love, and the lack of

I write about peace, and those that can"t seem to find it

I write about togetherness, when it seems to be more separation

I write about Faith, even though I  feel there is little  in the world today

I write about Unity, and pray for it every day

But Most of all, I write about having Hope that one day , the love  Peace, togetherness, and faith in God, and each other will show it's beauty, and brilliance once again... I Hope, I Hope. I Hope.. 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful. Remain filled with Hope, beafaithful. As I have said before, it is hope that fuels our faith. Have a blessed day. Peace and Love.

TEEDUB815 says:

Nice Write

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