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Phone Patrol



Views: 88

Oh, so you the new Patrol Officer now huh? Here comes Phone Patrol, the phone patrol officer who wants to roll, scroll and patrol through their mate’s phone. All of yall know one, heard of one, hell, yall might even be one.

You wanna look at their recent call log, call numbers back, look through their pictures and definitely wanna read their text.
But why? Is it insecurity, lack of trust, jealousy, guilt… What?
What are you looking for, what are you going to get out of it and what are you going to do about it?
Are you a phone patrol to prove a point, to find a reason to be right, or find a reason just to fight?

If you are truly secure in who you are and what you bring to your relationship, you shouldn’t and wouldn’t be intimidated by no one. Nothing and I mean NOTHING about that person’s phone will disturb your peace or damage your relationship.
If your mate wanna cheat, they gon cheat. You can cry, beg, plead, pray, fast, curse, fight, fuss, be mad, put ‘em out, you can do whatever you want, but that person will still do what they want to do.
You can even pitch the phone out the window and they will have another one the same day or as soon as the next day.

But truth be told, the phone is not the problem, you are. You cannot control someone else’s actions, but you can control your reaction and being a phone patrol officer shows that you have given that other person power by how you are reacting.

You can’t make them stop cheating, but you do have a choice. You can remove yourself from the situation. The same with you, if you cheat, you will have to want to stop, no one can make you.

But let me just suggest this, if you are in a relationship, from now on, before you cheat or decide to cheat, ask yourself this question, is this person I want to cheat with worth jeopardizing my relationship and what I have at home? And if they are, then don’t cheat, instead of playing both sides of the fence, just end your current relationship and go pursue your new interest, since you did say they was worth it.
But if they are NOT, if they are not worth it, don’t risk it, fix it.
Fix what you have at home.

Communication is the key. Communication that does not require hollering or yelling, but hearing and listening. Find ways to improve your relationship, grow and build together, laugh together and stay together. By doing so, you will begin to restore the trust and love. Your relationship will no longer consist of doubt or control and you will no longer have the urge to be the phone patrol.

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