Colette | Poetry Vibe
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  4 star general
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Dey Gon


just different

Views: 105

When you from New Orleans dey gon do a lot of things.

Dey gon fix it
Dey gon call me
Dey gon go by they self
Dey gon think about it
Dey gon bring it over here
Dey said dey gon send me a email

Dey gon pick her up from school
Dey gon pay for it 
I know dey gon clean dey mess
If dey break it, dey gon buy another one

Dey gon drive back on Friday
Dey gon shut up with all that noise
Dey gon do it tomorrow
Dey gon text me when it’s ready

Dey gon go out and eat
Dey gon drop the charges
Dey gon learn the hard way
I know one thing, dey gon leave me alone

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The Immortal Wize says:

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