mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 157



When a child is liberated

From the darkness of the womb,

It enters into the light of life

After great struggling labor:-

Joyous glory is then given to God

In the celebration thereof.


Once the celebration

Of having been liberated

Into life is had,

Immediate attention must be

Focused on the necessary means

That ensures the sustaining growth

Of such blessed liberation.


Thus, must likewise be

Our focused attention

On the birthing of liberation

Out of the darkened womb

Of aborting injustice;

We, with God’s mercy,

Having been graced

With justice.


Indeed, in this nation’s birthing, 

In ideological celebration, it was penned:

“All men are created equal and are endowed

By the creator with certain inalienable rights;

Among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit

Of happiness…”  Yet, in this ideal delivery,                                   

Birth was also given to evil spirits focused

On keeping such, merely ideological.


Be mindful that the birthing pains of the Stars

And Stripes remain; likewise, it also remains 

That what goes around will come back around

In unbroken circles, revealing the stark reality 

That a bubble blown to its limits can burst

And vaporize into nothingness; its aborted liberation

Encircled and and entombed into the blowing wind.


It is one thing to fight endlessly with hope

And faith for the winning of liberty, but

It remains an uphill battlefield determination

To ensure its living eternity; thus, let us remain

On the battlefield of the Lord—breast-plated

With his love—voided of all fear and ever infused

With the spirituality of amazing grace in maintaining

Ongoing liberation through whatever means necessary:-


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