WisdomlyInclined | Poetry Vibe
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You were created to be a Queen. That's why your head is always itching, it wants its crown back. Not the one with the purple and gold bag. But the gold one on thrones that—are priceless. 

See, you were created to be an angel. That's why your shoulders are always aching, you're growing your wings now. Not the ones that you eat. But the ones that when you roam you can't help, but pay attention.
You were created to be a wife. That's why your ring finger is still bare. Not because you're lonely. But because your Barrack Obama is too busy conquering the world & trying to capture you the universe. 
It's a yours for the taking. So, take it. It's all predetermined from the beginning. So begin it. 
Sweet, mahogany, black, bronze caterpillar —your transformation is ready to start. By avoiding those unhealthy 'oils', you're now a 'butter'-fly. 
Toni Morrison made me pay attention, because she mentioned that if you wanted to fly you would have to give up the that's weighing you down.
You won't drown, you'll never sink.
Cause just when you think, it's at it it's worse and you're about to fall— beautiful woman, you'll have it all.
#160;your crown 
your wings, 
and your ring.
And holding all your presents— in your presence will be your King. You're real life Prince Charming...

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DallasCowgirl says:

Nice piece! Has a nice flow to it

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