mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 159




It’s so earth-shattering—us looking up

And out into the celestial renderings

Of constellations, nebulas, other planets,

And the moon—all looking back at us…


In the midst of it all—in selfish conscientiousness—

We audaciously ask,  “are we all alone here on Earth?’’

Then, without a second thought, we spend modillions ($)

And with friendly enemies, seek to find out if it is so;

Leaving starving homeless earthlings to daily die alone.


It’s so earth-shattering—us looking up

And out into the celestial renderings

Of constellations, nebulas, other planets,

And the moon—all looking back at us…


In the midst of it all—in selfish conscientiousness—

We audaciously ask,  “are we all alone here on Earth?’’

Then, without a second thought, we spend trillions ($)

Engaged in war—often with friendly enemies—leaving

Starving homeless earthling survivors to daily die alone.


It’s so earth-shattering—us looking up

And out into the celestial renderings

Of constellations, nebulas, other planets

And the moon—all looking back at us…


In the midst of it all—in selfish conscientiousness–

We audaciously ask, “are we all alone here on Earth?’

Then, without a second thought, we spend millions ($)

Remodeling or building new federal parks and recreation sites

Leaving naked homeless starving children to die on the streets alone.


This is earth-shattering—and could become exhausting

Thus, in awareness conscientiousness, just let me

Leave you alone in deep focus as to where we are

In leaving so many in need to wonder and die all alone:-


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