Colette | Poetry Vibe
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I want a Divorce



Views: 129

I have realized that I have been in an unhealthy, unhappy marriage for a long, long time and it’s just not what I want anymore. This marriage has been draining me in many areas and it is not what’s best for me, so I’m done, I want a divorce! I want a divorce because this marriage has been hindering my growth and now, I’m ready to start a new life.

I plan to embrace my newness, my new life, my new mindset, and my new journey by letting go. I want a divorce from the past hurts, the rejection, the insecurities, the laziness, the unhealthy eating, the negativity, the lack of trust, the worries, the nagging, the doubt…

How did I know I was married? Because I said “I do” to these negative strongholds, not necessarily by my words, but by my actions and my actions have been behaving this way for years.
I said I do and I do, because “I do” keep bring up the past.
“I do” harbor bitterness
“I do” get jealous
“I do” feel rejected
“I do” have insecurities
“I do” eat unhealthy
“I do” have trust issues
“I do” lack communication
“I do” nag a lot
“I do” be selfish… but not no more, as of today, my marriage has been annulled. So effective immediately, I am officially divorce!

Now, I’m saying “I do” to God, to life, to laughter, to spiritual growth and joy, to happiness, to love, to kindness, trusting, listening, and understanding, to great health, to peace, to prosperity and to just being a better version of me than before. 

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thus be the sweet joy of the parting death of negativity. Beautiful! Blessed be you in your newness. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Totally on point/inside out, upside down and sideways

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Yeeeessss......I felt this for sure!

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