Kamau44 | Poetry Vibe


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just different

Views: 105

In this brick city, prison, Where men are sucking the milk from this beast tittie's, Where the water is filthy and the blood flow swiftly from the wickedness in me... This emptiness fill me, Leading me to war, Seeking peace in the justice of breaking this beast jaw... I sit now wondering if the prophets eyes could have seen this far, Where black men are murdering black men in prison like this was the civil war, Can you not see, that this what these killers want... So they can get on National T.V. and say, " just happen", 12 men murdered on the watch of Governor Henry Dargen (Dragon) McMaster, A dragon endorsed by the new head master, Donald Trump sat on the wall, Donald Trump will have a great fall, worse than Bill Cosby's sexual assault charges, And there is no need for them to count there loses, Because we will no longer take in any orphan's... Because we done seeing their actions, Crooked hands, That live through the corruption of their black ink, As they destroy the history of our past like sand in a glass, Where evil seek to destroy the good man, Now the good man has became the wicked man, Where the madness of men has alter the soil, Which nourish the roots of the soul, Yet humanity soul has grown cold, By the power of darkness that has offset the balance of the soul that's corrupting our morals, Blinding us of tomorrow... Where our African mother's fall on faith and sorrow, To hear that their son will never see another tomorrow, Where the hands of miseducated men are to blame, For following the plans of these wicked man's, Who have planted the seed of hate, confusion, and conflict, That is sown and worn on our dark skin like thorns in this dark pit, For where I now sit... Studying history that say we use to beat our enemies with sticks and stones, Now we plague allegiance to a world of wickedness, And it's religion is unknown, Which leave room for jealousy to be born, That has corrupted the African family homes, Where they have mixed lies with the stupidity of men, Thus, The African American was born, And hatred has never leave a Nation or a Country the same as it was, And I'm not the same as I was, For I have transformed... Transformed Written by Sa Ra Safari Messiah

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The Immortal Wize says:

Truth being told

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Colette says:

OH WOW!!! That was so, so deep. Very powerful. This world has become so evil and lost. I pray we all be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Love this write!

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