mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 155



Today our nation is in a critical crisis—

Political disability challenges the ideology

Upon which this nation was vaguely found:

Justifying indigenousness as a native sperm

Fertilizing the egg of the birth of a bastard nation

In which we are all offspring of its unaborted birth.


Ideology is a thought but reality is established truth.

To try to encircle democracy in perpendicular lines

Is a skewed bigoted mathematical power theory

That seeks to de-equate horizontal paralleling with

Hypothesized intersections of vertical power mongering

Pressing its downward line on pointed horizontal oppression:-


P.S.:  I’m no theoretical-political-mathematical-analyst,

          So if you disagree, forward your hypothesis to me

          That I may be infused with further awareness

           From the ever overflowing poetic cistern

           God Has given You to continue to pour

           Into my daily sipped wisdom cup.








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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thought provoking work Sir first question is, were we ever factored into this miscalculated equation called a nation, or will this division leave us as a remainder...or better yet a mere fraction (faction)...God indeed has the eraser, so maybe the chalk needs to be wiped away (figuratively mostly although the thought of literally is unsoundly calculated)....and hopefully the future will be built hand in hand to form a more equal and beneficial for ALL....republic aka place to stay....
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks for the awareness the feedback, 2b2b2. The eraser, whiteboard, and black chalk are now in the hands of the present and future generations of us. May ALL not be deceived by white "Smartboard" fantasies. While we Elders continue to wane, our "mustard seed" faith and "sunflower hope, continue to wax. Let us ALL get to "calculating" the reality of liberation. ONE. Peace and Love.

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