Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 382

I watched the flame flicker

as a warm breeze swept under the door

my eyes fell heavied from the sexual allure

I felt my mind filled with dangerous thoughts

but my body still longed for more I could taste the light mist

of perfume lingering in the room the mixture of her shampoo as she flung her hair

my eyes dried I tried to blink

but my savage instinct told me not to break my stare

this rush i had was rear

starting from the bottom of my spine

trickling through my every sigh

I could feel my grip tightened

the blood flow to my brain lightened

I could barely suppress my nervousness I was using everything I had

to keep from me digress

I just wanted to bathe in the sexual tension

in the most aggressive ways to mention

this emotional bondage

tied my every loose thought

and I became entrapped

forevermore her sex slave...


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