2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 123
Through the ages words take on new meanings. Some words describe a person in totality while some just describe a moment. Seared in our brains are the judgements of people whose opinions matter. Then we make our own decisions from the changes of the people in the mainstream of life. Being centered is still a word whose meaning has not changed. The old become new again. As long as one can remain steadfast and acknowledge that time dies not change but passes and children are born and eventually die and as we accept its truth our lives will be centered in truth. On pause is the right to change what we become. Nations are atruggling and making laws to limit the powers of personal choice. In the balance is the people's effective challenges. As the choices of growth make way for an increase. Our thoughts turn to weighing the outcomes of the adventurers style choices and the world at large containing their voices.

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