2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Error of ways


just different

Views: 132
Diversity. Subversive. Those two alone set the stage for controversies that alerted the world of bigger problems than the issue of slavery ever could. The opinions differ concerning gender and relationships between people of certain age gaps, questions arise about voting rights of those who live but don't pay taxes in America, the swiftly rise and fall of opinions is the only dependable news. Closeting ourselves is a habit the people have dispensed with in favor again of letting it all hang out. Societies weather all. Societies see all. Societies hear all. Societies embrace all. Forgotten are concepts that inhibit free will. The message loud and clear is we will! .

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mlowe5 says:

Indeed. Thus be the "error of ways" as opposed to being of "ways and means" of ensuring the equanimity of humanity. ONE. Peace and Love.

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