endless possibilities in world of different philosophies struggling to pull it together to make ends meet where unfortunately misfortune takes on a life of it's own a flame burning out of control no one complains when it's cold but when it's hot it's not comfortable not being able to control the temperature of a feverish nation full of inflammation lack of education misguided information mind of pure imagination a population showing no inclination to rise from a nasty help being illusionary madness when there's no one to call on while down on bloody knees in a time of desperate need misleading deception accepting sugar coded medicine it takes more than antiseptic to clean out infection and stunt the growth of disease holding breath to prolong death lungs full of poison air ways blocked off like a crime scene all seeing eyes didn't see a thing imagination running wild it's easier to put out a forest fire than it is to control a opinionated crowd of wounded spirits evacuating to safety running towards danger believing the end is near to a cirtain degree it is
worshipping the creator of madness makes it all possible to believe