Break down the break Downs
take down the tactical weigh Downsmentally weigh nounsannunciate the break downnote take the verbal assault ratethat infiltrate every sentence breakthat fluctuates your steady pacesalivate over every quotationthat exclamatesmental relationthat out text the text bookson literary crookswith story written outlookson contextual cluesnear the summarized viewsonce upon a time linesthat intertwineurban and professional mindsto reunite both eyesto every line at near sightsas directedright to leftpause for a dyslexic breath.......left to rightbookmark the trademarkshighlight the vividly written sitespunctually taken flightsindescribable plightthis transitionalverbally writing to writtenfragmented conditionfor viewer's discretionfrom a spoken wordto a def micPoetry in notion