Belindathapoet  | Poetry Vibe


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Hey Poetryvibe Family!! I been away for awhile but "I'M BACK!!!"

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My Childhood Neighborhood



Views: 180

Our House was white and 

yellow, it was so very pretty.

We mainly lived on a street

 that was loud and busy,

I had a lot of friends,

 they were funny and silly. 

We would Play Hide-and-Seek, and 

also Play Tag, 

I shall always cherish the

 memories of the fun we had.

I would skate down the street, and

 climb up on trees,

Yeah, I was a Tom boy and

 I did it with ease.

I would wrestle in the grass, 

and challenge you to race.

You try to start a fight, 

I'll get all up in your face.

It wasn't very long, 

I got out of that phase.

These were my memories 

of those glory days.

I was very, very young and

 was in grade school.

My young Life was Laid back, and 

was pretty pretty cool.

Everything was close like

 in walking distance. 

When mom needed the bus 

sometimes we usually would miss it. 

She Finally got a Car, and 

it was Splendid.

Having our own wheels 

made a Really big difference. 

The neighbors were cool, 

we didn't have a lot of problems.

If there were any issues, 

they were quick to solve them.

I Loved it when we had 

our Summer time days.

We were Rambunctious Kids,

 we wound Run around and Play.

When summer let out, it 

was back to school.

We weren't Ready to go back, and

 we didn't Think that was cool.

The 80's was my era:


This was My

 Childhood Neighborhood 




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