Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48600
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Truth Hurts



Views: 434

At work he always played nice

did what he was told

they never had to ask him twice

he was a good father

and a good husband

he loved his life

but he had dreams that would never come to light

he was haunted by memories of his childhood life

how his dad used to beat his mother & him just a like

how lies piled on lies was the theme of his life

and that very thing was the thing he most despised

he drank quite a bit

at first it was just to deal with it

he would drink the same time every day

you could set your clock by it

he had been drinking for years and now he was sick

So he made a hospital visit

He found out his kidneys started to quit

he had a son that loved his dad

and told him that one of his kidney he could have

So he knew that was that

when he got the blood work back

not only did he find out his son wasn't a match

but that he was never

his son real dad

Truth hurts

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Candeicelovely says:


TheYoungMC says:

:/ Awesome !!!!

poems by this commentor


Royale Jones says:

Thank u both

kay ready says:

wow, very deep and visual, i enjoyed this

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augitha says:

very touching and well put together!!!

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DallasCowgirl says:

Well, that was very vivid.... Nice piece

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