CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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This Is A Sonnet About That Bonnet



Views: 99


This is a Sonnet About That Bonnet

Girl, didn't you hear Monique say take that bonnet Off before you leave the house And while you're at it remove that pajama top And put on a blouse. Yeah, you guessed it right this is a Sonnet About That Bonnet. You arrive at your children's school With that bed piece on Looking like a straight up fool Arriving at places of business And got the folk over at Guinness Wondering how long you gone Keep it on... And don't you dare blame it on the pandemic Because this is habitual and systemic First you told us that you were trying to Preserve your hairstyle But heck you are already at work So you can place that excuse in the cylindrical File. Then the survey said you are wearing it Because you haven't had a chance to Comb your tresses. But that one registers even lower on the board Because it messes With the psyche Because now you're all decked Out in Nike From chest to toe But forgive me, again this is a Sonnet about that Bonnet! Not your supporting wardrobe I started talking about that thing that you wear Outside A few inches above your earlobe. I'll end this diatribe by saying they say use your head for more than a hat rack I say enter the outside world without Your head knap sack.

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