Baby Daddy Everyday you brag about cheating death
Out in these streets
But I think you are really cheating life
Because you can't stand on your own two feet
You are able bodied and strong
But you lie in the bed and smoke blunts
All day long.
You plant your seed in women
And then you run to the penitentiary
You wear Jordan's and the finest linen
You raise your voice to me
But you won't help raise your child
You blame your mother
You blame me
For your antics
You put your hands on me causing me
To run away frantic....
I cry out to God
I cry out to your father
He says go on with your life
My son is just making it harder
I kick you out and you stay gone
For awhile...
Something in my heart misses you
I let you back in to see if you've changed
but that's a pile ---
Some people say that I deserve everything that I
get because I knew what you were when I
found you--
But this city has a small pond and all that
seems to surround you --
are men bragging about how they've
ch... |
I AM A POET I am a poet Not a court jester Therefore I think In rhymes Not in riddles I am a poet Not a musician I strike with words Not with a fiddle I am a poet I seek To satisfy the Beginning the end And the middle I am a poet I work with a lot of words But I can work with a little I am a poet I don't think Life is like a box of chocolates I think it's like a bag Of Skittles! -- Again, I am a poet Not a court jester Therefore I think in rhymes Not in riddles.
The Beautiful Purple One (For Prince Rogers Nelson) As I sit here still in shock with pen in hand and tears streaming, I can't help but wish that this was just a case of bad dreaming. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd be writing this, About the man who hailed from Minneapolis, Who gave us songs like Adore & Kiss. I am writing this from the bottom of my heart so I definitely don't want it to sound like a cliché, With that being said I won't go through your discography and rhyme anything with Purple Rain or Raspberry Beret. You were given monikers like The Purple One and The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, In my lifetime I can't recall anyone as unique as you before your arrival or since. I remember back in the day seeing your handsome face on many teen mags, Everyone couldn't stop talking about your hairstyles or your rags! From 'Pop Life' came my favorite lyrics: What's the matter with your life is the poverty Bringing you down is the mailman running you 'round...did ... |
Heavy D Today I shed tears For the man who was Light on his feet and Easy on the ears The party rapper Who gave us hits like Money Earnin' Mt. Vernon, Mr. Big Stuff and Now That We Found Love Who exited our earthly stage on Nov. 8 and is now rapping with the angels above. I remember when I use to blast his albums in my bedroom in the late 80's and early nineties, My mother would yell up the stairs, 'turn that down!!' I did for a few minutes then I'd turn it back up and she'd come upstairs and find me- Then she picked up the album and looked at the cover and asked me 'who is that rapping?' My reply was it's 'the OverWeight Lover!' Then she said 'he sampled James Brown, I like that... it's okay, Doreen, you don't have to turn it down.' Then she started tapping her foot and bobbing her head Then she asked me 'is there a video for this record' and with a smile 'yes' is what I said. On that day I was so happy my mothe... |
Laughter in Heaven We all know that there are tears in Heaven,
But how many of you know that now there is laughter in the hereafter!
On Saturday, August 9, comedian Bernie Mac took his final bow and closed his earthly page,
Then the Mac man immediately took his act to the heavenly stage.
He's on the marquee with Richard Pryor, George Carlin and Robin Harris, On this tour there will be no more pain, no more worries or cares.
The angels are their audience and Jesus is their concert promoter,
Can you imagine them up there attending fund raisers and delivering one liners to voters?
Then the Mac Man with his buoyant spirit stares into the celestial camera and says with a great big smile, "Heaven, I wanna to tell you something, the line to get in here was longer than a ------- ------- mile.
Cooley High In Reverse Sometimes I watch the '70's movie 'Cooley High' in reverse Because for me the ending is the worst. I figure if I view it backwards, the main character Cochise can rise up and be with his friends, Preach and Pooter and the boys could all have fun cutting classes and joy riding and throwing caution to the wind. The guys could all go to quarter parties, prom and graduate, They'd stand on the corner and sing and drink cheap wine and never meet such a twisted fate. Then Martha wouldn't have had to raise that hatchet, The two women that Chise and Preach duped wouldn't have a habit. Their teacher, Mr. Mason wouldn't have wasted his breath or his time, Preach's girlfriend, Brenda wouldn't have fallen for a line-- Of poetry and pure testosterone, And the two villains Robert and Stone Would slide back into their holes and no one would know where they are, And the world wouldn't lose another ghetto super star. Cochise could get his basketball scho... |
If Everything Is Going Your Way...Blow A Kiss...You're In Heaven Traveling through this life for over five decades
I have discovered that everyday living will never just be a breeze,
Because each day I wind up misplacing my phone, glasses or keys.
Every single day I forget something vital to my existence,
So as usual being the trooper that I am I tell myself without hesitance:
That I better blow a kiss if everything is going my way because I’ve died and gone straight to Heaven.
But I keep stepping because like Eric Clapton said I know I don’t belong I need to get out quick like a Seven/Eleven.
Yes, technology has simplified yet at the same time complicated most of our days,
Creating so many usernames and passwords feels like walking blindfolded through a maze.
Then there’s credit cards and pin numbers and the never ending extra step the ‘security code’
Then there’s my Alexa and my Smart Tv that I have to make sure is h... |
Me & Mrs. Jones Some people say that the things that tend to make us fondly remember,
Are a familiar fragrance or the sound of a voice with it's inflection and timbre.
I must say that I wholeheartedly agree that it most definitely must be in the vibrato family of tones.
Because I can feel it each time that I hear Billy Paul's 1973 monster slow jam and a favorite on the Stepper's Set Me & Mrs. Jones!