CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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Laughter in Heaven


just different

Views: 122

We all know that there are tears in Heaven,
But how many of you know that now there is laughter in the hereafter!
On Saturday, August 9, comedian Bernie Mac took his final bow and closed his earthly page,
Then the Mac man immediately took his act to the heavenly stage.
He's on the marquee with Richard Pryor, George Carlin and Robin Harris, On this tour there will be no more pain, no more worries or cares.
The angels are their audience and Jesus is their concert promoter,
Can you imagine them up there attending fund raisers and delivering one liners to voters?
Then the Mac Man with his buoyant spirit stares into the celestial camera and says with a great big smile, "Heaven, I wanna to tell you something, the line to get in here was longer than a ------- ------- mile.

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