CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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Heavy D


just different

Views: 139

Today I shed tears For the man who was Light on his feet and Easy on the ears The party rapper Who gave us hits like Money Earnin' Mt. Vernon, Mr. Big Stuff and Now That We Found Love Who exited our earthly stage on Nov. 8 and is now rapping with the angels above. I remember when I use to blast his albums in my bedroom in the late 80's and early nineties, My mother would yell up the stairs, 'turn that down!!' I did for a few minutes then I'd turn it back up and she'd come upstairs and find me- Then she picked up the album and looked at the cover and asked me 'who is that rapping?' My reply was it's 'the OverWeight Lover!' Then she said 'he sampled James Brown, I like that... it's okay, Doreen, you don't have to turn it down.' Then she started tapping her foot and bobbing her head Then she asked me 'is there a video for this record' and with a smile 'yes' is what I said. On that day I was so happy my mother took interest in one of my favorite MC's So from the bottom of my heart I want to say I love you Heavy thanks for the memories.

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