CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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  brigadier general
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Red Rum (Murder Spelled Backwards)



Views: 142

You ignore our RED RUGS We ignore your RED FLAGS We're not the only minorities In this country but we're The only ones that end up in BODY BAGS. Then our last words 'I Can't Breathe' Become nothing more than catch phrases or #Hash Tags. From George Stinney,Jr. Who was Railroaded in South Carolina in 1944, To the blatant murder of George Floyd in 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, This is going to stop we don't Give a care if you don't Give one iota! It is 2020 and We can't even take a Sip of water from a fountain as We go about our journey Without some retired cop kook chasing Behind us with a rifle and Ending up on a gurney. They enter our backyards and kill us, instead of coming to our front doors They shoot to kill authorized security guards. They use us for target practice They shoot at us so much They kill innocent bystanders They invade the wrong homes to kill us Some come on social media and make inane comments about peaceful protesters likening them to looters, When you are just as culpable and just as hateful as the shooters...


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A profound pen. Right on point. Indeed, it's not by accident that the Bull's Eye circles are black. Thanks for the share. Love the wordplay in the title. ONE. Peace and Love.

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