CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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Baby Daddy


just different

Views: 144
Everyday you brag about cheating death Out in these streets But I think you are really cheating life Because you can't stand on your own two feet You are able bodied and strong But you lie in the bed and smoke blunts All day long. You plant your seed in women And then you run to the penitentiary You wear Jordan's and the finest linen You raise your voice to me But you won't help raise your child You blame your mother You blame me For your antics You put your hands on me causing me To run away frantic.... I cry out to God I cry out to your father He says go on with your life My son is just making it harder I kick you out and you stay gone For awhile... Something in my heart misses you I let you back in to see if you've changed but that's a pile --- Some people say that I deserve everything that I get because I knew what you were when I found you-- But this city has a small pond and all that seems to surround you -- are men bragging about how they've cheated death on these streets, Men who cannot even stand up on their own two feet, Men who impregnate women, Men who wear Jordan's and the finest linen. Men who ain't worth the salt in spit... And to all you folks out there who say I deserve what I get-- You can all keep it moving in another direction...

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