CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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Dang, Candy Man He Ain't All That I Lived Beneath The Candy Lady For Years!


Views: 129

As a child growing up in Chicago's notorious Cabrini Green I was told that if you go into the bathroom and look into the Mirror and say Bloody Mary 3 times in the Dark with the door shut a scary lady would appear But I could never get passed saying it twice and running out because of primal fear!  Now I am supposing that is where the legend of Candy Man somehow emanated from Then they just put a modern day twist to it and placed it in the theaters to frighten some. But damn, Candy Man He Ain’t All That I lived Beneath The Candy Lady For years and she was a trip! As kids we couldn’t step to her with short money and couldn’t loiter in front of her door and give her no lip. The Candy Lady in our building lived on the Fifth Floor and she had bills to pay and mouths to feed. She was a shrewd businesswoman and she also cooked church dinners and was The Finance Committee lead! She sold Fat Albert Candy that came in a box, she sold penny cookies and pickles, she also sold icee cups, freeze pops, potato chips, pops and popsicles. SO DAMN, CANDY MAN HE AINT ALL THAT I LIVED BENEATH THE CANDY LADY FOR YEARS! The difference is The Candy Lady wasn’t going to kill nothing or let nothing die no matter how many times you called out her name Unlike her famous counterpart I can not say the same.


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love_supreme says:

I have no idea how I missed this one, very noe!

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