CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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  brigadier general
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Views: 132
When you feel life is showing you its bottom tier and friends and family are being terse and abrupt, My friend, keep on pushing, keep on fighting and please, never give up. When the days seem longer than normal and the nights seem shorter, My friend, please don't look at it as a curse, look at it as Divine Order. When the words you want to say won't reveal themselves but your feelings overwhelm you and overflow your cup, My friend, I say to you, don't falter, don't look back, and by all means NEVER GIVE UP.. When it seems that every door you approach is like trying to decipher the combination to a bank vault, My friend, I am telling you to keep on trying, keep on pushing, don't cry, don't place blame or fault. When circumstances and situations don't seem to be in your favor and everything you produce seems odd, My friend, all I can say to you is to NEVER GIVE UP because all the while you are being carried by God.

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