CandyLady#3000 | Poetry Vibe
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Enlightened Than A Mug

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Just when you thought that you didn't need your parents anymore and that you were on the brink, You thought that you had everything on lock down like da clink da clink! But you had to stop and slow your road and think. That they loved you with all they had and to raise you they threw in everything but the kitchen sink! To keep you well fed and keep in mind that this was way before Link, Often times they had to clothe you in hand me downs, Or somethIng they brought home from their jobs lost and found. Because they loved you and wanted to see you accomplish more than they did that's what I think. So, all I am saying is that they threw in everything but the kitchen sink! They signed you up for Girl Scout and karate class so in your armor you wouldn't get a chink. They washed clothes on Sunday's at the laundromat so that you could go to school and not stink, They took you to a barber or a hairdresser and cut your hair or got your hair pressed to remove any hint of a kink. When they were told that you were a boy they painted your room blue and when they were told that you were a girl they painted your room pink. When you became angry with them they brought your first wolf tickets wink wink. They wrapped gifts for you at Christmas time and purchased things that sounded like tink tink. You may not have gotten what you wanted like a million dollars or a mink, But you know that they tried to give you everything but the kitchen sink! They were your first teacher, doctor and nurse and lawyer and head shrink. They took you to your first movie your first dance recital and threw your first birthday party at a roller rink. They watched over you like angels and wouldn't allow you to smoke and drink. That is why I am telling you coming up in Cabrini Green in those times that we did they threw in everything but the kitchen sink!


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