Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Nana To The Ninth



Views: 201

Long ago summer evening
warm and still
taken amidst your sighs and cries
from your beloved land of Brazil 
during the voyage to the New Amsterdam
before your delicate feet reached its foreign shore
Nana to the ninth
the first male in my maternal line
My “Pop-Pop” to the ninth
a Dutch Captain who records say was your spouse
left you with offspring number two
when he left his house to return back to his home
The Netherlands 
But he never got there
buried somewhere along the way
forever in the sea
leaving my
Nana to the ninth
in instant widowcy
Hillary Crol
Also mentioned as Swartinne
in translation meaning a dark lovely woman
a first wedded name of de Vries
property of her husband
who sleeps now and forever in the seas   
but I call you today my
Nana to the ninth
And I am so glad someone thought it not robbery
to etch a portrait for me to see
just how beautiful you were
closely studying your features and eyes
and to my surprise
how much you look exactly like
Nana to the first
And I can see why someone penned the phrase
captive beauty
captured from your home in Brazil
the night was still
your beauty he had to have
to carry across the ocean to what was then
New Amsterdam
across the busy GWB
Called New York City
Footprints and lineage 
later spread across the Tappan Zee
Down I-287
Into New Jersey
de Vries into De Freese and De Vries
meeting de Groots to the De Groat
please Van Doonk to Van Dunk
won’t you be my neighbor
and then
last stop on the train
Nana to the first
a Kennedy
spreading your fragrant life bouquets into surrounding areas
your voice still sings in
Haskell and then Wanaque
Where nanas from the eighth through the first
would spread their beautiful wings
and later
begat me
begat you
and it all began when the night was still
amidst the summertime sands of Brazil
dark skinned beauty  
who I call my
Nana to the ninth

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A profound and beautiful tribute of praise "To Nana To The Ninth. Great rhythmic flow streaming that "...dark skinned beauty..." LOVE IT! ONE. Peace and Love.

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