ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Struggle to write


Views: 73

Witnessed courtesy the following poetic sight
especially when dark shadows foretell edge of night
twilight zone expanding
into outer limits of width and height
obscuring webbed wide world
subsequently where black tentacles alight.

This poetic prologue feeble exercise to encapsulate commonplace frustration experienced by fledgling author evidenced by spurious poem dredged up below decks foregoing full sentences, which will resume reflections being hobbled to cobble words together, when yours truly tries his darndest to re-captcha fleeting idea or sentiment.

Minimal productiveness
as hands of time issue silent tick tock
resultant rhyme without reason mere schlock
conceding intelligence on par with rock
consanguinity quite evident
versus key difference
when affliction named agraphia doth lock
stock and barrel creative juices
resounding, resonating, and resolving

into echo chamber with hollowness when
upon noggin of scapegoat bully doth knock
impossible mission to fend off badass jock
whereby yours truly envisions
fanciful day dream lazing a boat on the dock
carefree mindset disallows watching clock
repudiating, spurning, and thwarting
thee dilemma of writer's block
deliberating calling ghost writer ad hoc


One former bohemian rhapsodizes (and a young bare cub at Antioch to boot), now prosaically expounds courtesy lengthy epistemological expressing difficulty to craft complex literary edifice applying building blocks of English language in a fitting manner that does justice to said lingua franca giving liberty to leaping lizard thoughts that dart to and fro, hither and yon within the windmills of my mind.


Rather than censor or edit, I pour out at rapid fire rate, the notions (ala kingly brainstorm) that flit thru me  noggin when first staring at the black and white screen, sometimes eyes remain closed to help initiate the process to summon forth this, that, or another just barely perceptible concept; the task less difficult when the topic provided, which preconceived subject narrows focus into figurative box.


When provided specific issue to write about

the effort still arduous to gather plethora of
disparate points aware near infinite number
of directions discourse in question

could take this, that or another route,
whereby any path could lead to a dead end

with impulse to yank inkwell and spill spout

all over manuscript,

a Rorschach work of art to tout.


Countless trials and errors entail exploration

to the near state of physical exhaustion
where each logical conclusion finds pensive

fellow inextricably entangled within his own

thicket of unprintable verbiage.


Would you dear reader believe a/or accept

eureka moments arise stealthily as cats crept
unexpectedly and inconveniently when I
get situated on toilet and whole paragraphs

tumble into consciousness pell mell faster
than bowels expelling bodily waste matter

from derrière except

Macbook Pro in other room kept
safe and sound against accidents
if mishap occurred resident Kuni Lemel

would be convulsing with grief as he wept.


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